AIP Tech Vision, Mission & Values

Our Vision

To use innovative technologies to Improve and restore quality of life to those individuals in need of assistance.

Our Mission

(a) End-to-end service from design to modeling and fabrication. (b) Production of Patient-Specific Implants (PSI) based on well-known materials (medical-grade titanium powder, etc.), (c) To develop advanced functional materials for 3D printing of PSIs.

Our Value

Our team is composed of world-class experts to support the end-to-end process of implant production.  We provide modeling, mechanical reliability evaluation, optimization and fabrication of the implants with very unique and complex shapes.

Our Philosophy

We find the best solutions for each patient individually and restoring of the well-being and confidence of people. The well being and safety of people is the number one priority for us

Who we are

Our international multidisciplinary team is highly experienced, has extensive knowledge in the field and confidence to both develop the product and expand the business globally.

Our team is composed of world-class experts to support the end-to-end process of implant production. We provide modeling, mechanical reliability evaluation, optimization and fabrication of the implants with very unique and complex shapes. Our team works hard to provide the best solutions to individuals and restoring of the well-being and confidence of people. We develop products that yield a maximum benefit for our customers. This is possible only through a dedicated team, collaborative partnership, and care for well being of people

The board members of the AIP Scientific

Dr. Sargis Aghayan
Service manager

+10 Project management experience. A leading scientist in the field.

Principal investigator more than 15 national and international scientific projects

Dr. Aghayan
Dr. Hayk Khachatryan
Product manager

25+ years of industrial research experience in leading electronics industries, a Materials scientist.

Published more than 50 patents and 30+ scientific manuscripts 

Dr. Marina Aghayan
Technology Developer, COE

Research and industrial entrepreneurship experience. Experienced in material and process development. Multimillion projects managing experience


Armen Derderian
Technology Developer

35 years of RF research and development. RF satellite payload system specialist.
Management of RF facilities and technical team 25 years of leading experience in ESA Laboratory.
ISO9001 Internal Auditor

Francois Antounian

Dr. Francois S. Antounian is an orthopedist with 20+ years of experience. He specialized in orthopedic surgeons diagnose and treat ailments affecting muscles, bones, and joints, treating sports injuries, degenerative diseases, tumors, infections, and birth defects. 
